lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

Tenia tantas ganas, como miedo...

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

sábado, 10 de enero de 2009

I (L) vooooooss

Gracias por la pulcera
te extrare....
All I want is the best for our lives my dear,
and you know my wishes are sincere.
Whats to say for the days I cannot bare.

A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
A Sunday smile and we felt true. (and)

We burnt to the groundleft a view to admire
with buildings inside church of white.
We burnt to the ground left a grave to admire.
And as we reach for the sky, reach the church of white.

A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
A Sunday smile you wore it for a while.
A Sunday mile we paused and sang.
A Sunday smile and we felt true. (and)

Beirut Viernes 20 de febrero en el lunario awww quiero quiero ir (=

jueves, 8 de enero de 2009

El tiempo que tarda una lágrima en caer
Un corazón en perder un latido
Una víbora en perder su piel
Una rosa en crecer una espina
Es todo el tiempo que se necesita para perdonar
Para perdonarme...
dancer in the dark